As we age, the eyelash follicles may slow down or stop producing new eyelashes altogether. In addition to age, there are other reasons why you may experience a weakening of your eyelashes. Aging and menopause often cause hormonal imbalances in fine hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. Blepharitis causes crusts on the eyelids and itchy and reddening of the eyes, and can cause eyelashes to fall out or grow abnormally.
And since mascara hardens your eyelashes while you use it, sleeping with mascara also increases the risk of your eyelashes breaking and shortening. Biotin (also known as vitamin B) promotes cell growth and metabolism that helps the growth of hair, nails and eyelashes and prevents brittle and brittle hair. While prostaglandin-like growth serums make eyelashes grow by lengthening the growth time, or anagenic phase of the eyelash cycle, they have many unwanted side effects. If your eyelashes aren't what they used to be, call us at (61) 717-8484 to schedule a consultation and start your journey to the long, thick and dark eyelashes of your dreams.
Whether you want long, thick eyelashes or stop thinning, a dermatologist can help you with medications that contribute to eyelash growth. Eyelash extensions use medical grade glue to adhere to natural lashes, and if you remove them instead of letting them fall out on their own, you can thin your eyelashes. Latisse is the first and only drug approved by the FDA to treat people with the problem of hypotrichosis, a condition in which eyelashes are too scarce. This is very important for the health of eyelashes (including hair and nails), as they are the last in the supply chain.
However, care must be taken when choosing eyelash serums, to avoid those that contain prostaglandins or growth hormone ingredients. Some of these body changes are easier to accept than others, but thinning your eyelashes isn't one of them. In addition, women over 40 go through menopause, with reduced estrogen production, which is vital for collagen production and for thick, healthy hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. In addition, during and after menopause, diffuse hair loss on the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes is common, since the loss of estrogen slows hair growth and, in fact, can cause the destruction of hair follicles, leading to thinner and tighter hair and eyelashes.
There are many reasons why eyelashes might be thinning, and sometimes the solution is simply to treat a different medical condition or change beauty habits.